The Sobey Foundation makes $1.0 million gift towards the creation of Daffodil Place on Daffodil Day

What a way to celebrate our first official Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Day !

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We are thrilled to announce an exceptional campaign gift toward the creation of Daffodil Place. On Wednesday, April 27th, The Sobey Foundation announced an investment of one million dollars in our Daffodil Place Campaign. On hand to celebrate were numerous Lodge residents, Sobey Family & Foundation members, campaign cabinet including incoming Chair, Shannon MacDonald, CCS-NS Board Chair Nancy Barteaux along with Board & Cabinet members Steve Craig & Dr. Carman Giacomantonio.  Also in attendance were various leadership volunteers, community members and staff. All gathered together in the lobby of the Canadian Cancer Society & Lodge That Gives for this very special event, hosted by outgoing Chair of the Campaign, Peter Bessey.

“We are thrilled with this generous contribution from the Sobey Foundation and the impact it will have on Nova Scotians and their families across the province who are living with cancer. We are still in the very early stages of the Daffodil Place Campaign. Without the Sobey Foundation and our Pace Setting Chair, Marsha Sobey, a truly dedicated community leader, the Society would be unable to pursue critical initiatives such as the expansion and renovation of The Lodge That Gives,” said Maureen Summers, CEO, Nova Scotia Division of the Canadian Cancer Society.

The Sobey Foundation, created by Frank H. Sobey, is a private foundation which uses endowed funds to support charitable organizations whose activities make a difference in Atlantic Canada.

 “It is our hope that our gift will encourage others to support this worthy cause and help make this new expanded facility a reality….sooner rather than later, “ said Paul Sobey, on behalf of The Sobey Foundation.

Guest speaker, Heather Boudreau, is a caregiver who is currently staying at the Lodge with her spouse John Anderson while he undergoes cancer treatment. Heather spoke about the impact the Lodge has made on their cancer journey. “John is now just finishing chemo and radiation. In June, he will start another round of chemo for 6 months. It is comforting to know The Lodge will continue to be there for us through this difficult and stressful time. At a time when this disease takes away so much, it is good to have a place where families can stay and feel safe and not alone.”

Thanks to CTV being on site to capture the excitement and for sharing this clip.
